Tag Archives: infidelity

5 Reasons Some Wives Cheat On Thier Husbands.

Before, once a young woman is going into marriage, it’s a subconscious believe that her body is strictly for her husband alone, but over the years, the narrative has changed. Most husbands have abused this grace and so many men have pushed Their women to the wall, that today, the consciousness and sanctity of matrimonial bliss is gradually going into extinction.

In as much as I am not supporting cheating in a marriage where the man is good to his wife the following are my opinion

1. Lazy husband
When a woman is married to a lazy man who can’t provide, always giving excuses and manipulative. He keeps pushing her to handle all the responsibilities. She has to pay all the bills all in the name of the man is jobless,
this particular wife will likely cheat on her man, because women generally love to see their men being the head that provides for the family.

2. Se.xaul Need
Some men are so clueless. You don’t care about her feelings, during se.x, once you’re satisfied, that’s all. You don’t even want to know if she is satisfied too.
This particular wife will definitely be longing for a day someone will make her feel it to the fullest. The person might not be you.

3. Companionship
It’s generally proven, once you have someone you can tell everything to without feeling ashamed or scared, the possibility of you comfortably having se.x with him is very high and if that person is not your husband, then you have cheated.

That’s why most people ended up sleeping with their bestie or childhood friends.
When there’s too much empty space in a marriage where the both parties don’t experience that companionship, once she find it in someone else, either at work or anywhere, she will cheat on her husband.

4. Ungrateful human
This particular wife, does not keep record of any good thing her man do to her. She’s an ungrateful human, she’s selfish and a bad person. No matter who you are to her, no matter what you do, she will always focus on herself alone.

5. Revenge
The man is cheating and hurting her. So, to have her sanity back, she cheat back.
Some women cheat on their husbands to feel better from feeling of hurt and bitterness from their husband’s bad behavior. Some will go as far as sleeping with your best friend, house boy, gate men, your Boss at work to make you feel disrespectful.
Evil they said brings evil. Good beings good as well

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