Monthly Archives: June 2024

7 Reasons Why I Respect The Jehovah’s Witnesses.

I am naturally drawn to things that people generally
criticize and most of the time, I do find out that most of these things
are not really what people say they are. People would generally hate
what they don’t understand and that is the case of the Jehovah’s
Witnesses. While growing up, I watched people avoid interacting with
them and this made me curious to know about their doctrines. After
studying with the Jehovah’s Witnesses for more than 12 years, I can say
that they are widely misunderstood by most people. Do I totally agree
with them? No, I do not but I share their perspective in some areas like
the subject of the Trinity and Tithing. I do not actively study with
the Jehovah’s Witnesses anymore but here are areas they have my respect.First, is evangelism.
Without a doubt, no other Christian set actively evangelizes like the
Jehovah’s Witnesses, none even come close. As a Jehovah’s Witness, you
are readily mandated to evangelize not just occasionally like most
Christian sets but regularly. Second is their civility.
As far as I am concerned, I think the Jehovah’s Witnesses are the most
civilized Christian set in Nigeria. Even though they use microphones in
their services, you can barely hear a sound outside their kingdom hall. I
think most churches need to learn from them on how not to disturb
people with their horn speakers. It can be very annoying. Third is their uniformity.
I have gone to kingdom halls and many Jehovah’s Witnesses’ conferences
in many regions of the country and I can confirm that they teach the
same message everywhere. Most multi-branched churches in Nigeria are not
like this. Don’t let me start to mention names. Fourth is biblical knowledge.
When it comes to biblical knowledge, I haven’t seen that Christian set
that can win the Jehovah’s Witnesses in a Bible-based debate even though
a lot of people will argue that their teachings are heresies. The truth
of the matter is that no church is perfect and Jehovah’s Witnesses are
not an exemption. Try an engage a random 8-year-old Jehovah’s Witness,
you will be shocked by his or her narration of biblical events. Recently,
I was watching a video of two pastors arguing about tithing on Facebook
and I was so irritated by the pastor arguing for why Christians should
pay tithe. The Bible verses he was using as his defense were totally
irrelevant to the points he was making. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not like
that. If you ask a Jehovah’s Witness a question he doesn’t know, he
will not try to be proof smart to you or beat around the bush, he will
simply tell you that he does have the answer to your question but he
will reach out to his superior for the answer. Trust me, he will always
come back with a reasonable response even if it doesn’t really answer
the question exactly but at least it will sound very reasonable. Fifth is their lower divorce rate.
Of course, there will certainly be Jehovah’s Witnesses who are divorced
but I am yet to see one myself. Do you know one? The Bible says, “By
their fruits, we shall know them. This is a clear testament to show that
the word of God is of great effect in their lives. Yeah!Sixth is their devotion.
When it comes to devotion, I rate the Jehovah’s Witnesses very high. A
Jehovah’s Witness with an MSc can decide to turn into an artisan simply
because he doesn’t want anything that will hinder him from going to
weekly meetings at the Kingdom Hall. One of their members once told me
that he has never missed a meeting in his entire life and if I wasn’t
mistaken, he should be around 32 years of age when he told me that.
Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t joke with their meetings and that’s why you
will rarely see a Jehovah’s Witness working in the bank. Lastly is their less emphasis on money.
This is one area I respect the Jehovah’s Witnesses most. A Jehovah’s
Witness will politely stop you by the road, hand you a book that would
have cost you a lot of money, and ask that you give a free-will
offering. Even if N5 is all you have, he will collect. This is not the
way it is in other Christian sets where everything is for sale. The only
Christian set that is a bit like the Jehovah’s Witnesses in this regard
is the Christ Embassy with their “Rhapsody of Reality”. It will shock
you that the Jehovah’s Witnesses do not take offerings or tithe in their
meeting except a box at the entrance of the hall where members can drop
their voluntary offerings. Sometimes I imagine how they can run their
publications and the maintenance of their halls. I don’t think there is
any better way to explain the true provision of God than that.In
conclusion, I know a lot of Christians see the Jehovah’s Witnesses as a
heretic movement or even a demonic one but I don’t think so. Instead, I
see sincere people who are devoted to God in the way they know best. Whether their doctrine is accurate or not, I just hope God counts the sincerity of their heart and devotion as righteousness

.Written by

Barr Anyasi

8 Important Ways We Can Live Holy As Christians.

8 Important ways We can live holy as Christians

Here are 8 important ways to live holy as Christians

1) You must believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life and be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

2) We should live a life of discipline, purpose and crave for the desire to please God in our lives.

3) We should abide in peace, love and exhibit the fear of God in our activities with men.

4) We should pray to God at all times and worship in our services and fellowships with the brethrens regularly.

5) We should study and meditate on the Word of God to renew our minds in living moderately and righteously

6) We should engage in consistent services to the advancement of God’s kingdom in thanksgiving and intercession often.

7) We should sow seed and give in faith to the needs of the Saints and sacrificing tangible and monetary wealth to the Body of Christ for spiritual purity & cleansing.

8. By seeking more knowledge and understanding for personal development and wisdom on how to live holy as Christians.



6 Things Buhari Criticised Before 2015 That Got Worse Under Him As President.

In their campaign promises, the APC declared that insecurity, poor economy, corruption, weak naira amongst other nation’s difficulties would be successfully tackled if they won.
The ruling party, the All Progressives Congress defeated the Peoples Democratic Party in the 2015 presidential election that ushered in President Muhammadu Buhari.

Before the election, which was the first that saw the incumbent president losing to an opponent, APC leaders capitalised on many of the failures of the PDP-led government of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan. In their campaign promises, the APC declared that insecurity, poor economy, corruption, weak naira amongst other nation’s difficulties would be successfully tackled if they won.

It is almost six years that Buhari has been at the helms of national affairs, but the headaches it assured his administration would cure have worsened under his watch. Here are a few of the issues that Buhari and his APC condemned during Jonathan’s government and have deteriorated under him.

-1). Insecurity

Unarguably, Nigeria’s major problem at the moment is insecurity. During Jonathan’s reign, Boko Haram terrorists were the main problem. They launched attacks against churches and public places which they executed through suicide bombings, planting of explosive devices, and shootings. The height of it was the abduction of about 276 female students in Chibok, Borno State on April 14, 2014.

Buhari campaigned vigorously that his APC-led administration would crush terrorists when he assumed office. However, Boko Haram insurgents have remained audacious in their assaults. They never lack the effrontery to attack Governor’s convoy and military bases times on many occasions. Apart from Boko Haram, other criminals have been terrorising the peace of the country. For instance, under Buhari’s watch, killer Fulani herdsmen and bandits cannot be tamed by the security agencies.

They even now negotiate with the government as abductions and other atrocities they engage in threaten the sovereignty of the country. The country has experienced horrible incidents like the abduction of 110 Dapchi girls in Yobe State on February 19, 2018; 344 Kankara boys in Katsina State on December 11, 2020; 27 Kagara boys in Niger State and 300 Jangebe girls in Zamfara State on February 17 and 26, 2021 respectively.

Then late Thursday night, March 11, gunmen attacked the Federal College of Forestry Mechanisation, Afaka, in the Igabi local government area of Kaduna state, kidnapping 39 students. Digging deep into the security lapses under President Buhari would reveal the killing of farmers by Fulani herders at Yewa Local Government of Ogun State in which lives were lost, farmlands destroyed, women raped and people displaced. 

The massacre of 76 rice farmers by Boko Haram in Zabarmari, Borno State on November 28, 2020, was among other callous attacks of criminals against the masses, that the government could not handle. Kidnapping has now become rampant across the country and many roads are unsafe. 

-2). Fuel Subsidy
Buhari protested against the removal of fuel subsidy by Jonathan in 2012, which would have pushed up the price of fuel from N65 to N141 per litre. The demonstrations across the country compelled the then-president to reverse the decision. All through Jonathan’s administration, petrol was never sold at N100 per litre.

Buhari promised to reduce Premium Motor Spirit to N40 per litre, but he took Nigerians by surprise by increasing it to N145 in 2015. Recently, he announced the removal of fuel subsidy that he protested against in 2012. Presently, the fuel is sold officially at N162.

As an opposition figure and presidential candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) aiming to get the PDP out of power in the 2011 election, Buhari said “if anybody tells you he is subsidising anything, he is a fraud.” However, about one year into office as Nigeria’s president, Buhari agreed to fuel subsidy removal which was still not achieved.  A report in 2019 by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a global accounting and consulting firm said the Buhari government spent N1.2 trillion as subsidies on petrol consumption between 2015 and 2018. 

 -3). Economy
Under ex-President Jonathan, the nation’s economy was the largest and fastest-growing in Africa, but Buhari pledged to establish a market-based economy. Buhari said such an economy would be run with a clear definite regulatory framework and effective enforcement mechanism. He further assured that this would help Nigerian people to participate and engage in productive economic activities, to renovate the economy.

Now, according to a prominent non-partisan private sector organisation, the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG), the Buhari administration has plunged the nation’s economy into rising inflation, contrasting GDP, unsustainable borrowing, the dwindling value of the naira, falling industrial capacity utilisation and frightening unemployment figures.

In the last five years, Nigeria’s economy has been left with a prostrate and deficient economic condition. It can be said that the billions of naira expended by the government, supposedly to contain the economic shock as a result of the immediate aftermath of the pandemic had no significant result in alleviating the country’s poverty status.

-4). Unemployment Rate
Buhari in his campaign promises said he would create 3 million jobs yearly. At that time, during Jonathan’s administration, precisely in the 4th quarter of 2014, the report put the total number of unemployed citizens at 4,672, 449.

Since Buhari took over the affairs of the nation, the unemployment indication has increased by 43.72% to 11,549,310 in the 4th quarter 2016; by 53% to 17,671,142 in the 4th quarter 2017; by 18.43% to 20,927, 648 in the third quarter 2018 and by 10.79% to 23, 187, 389 in the 4th quarter of 2020.

Bloomberg said, “Unemployment in Africa’s the largest economy surged to the second-highest on a global list of countries monitored by Bloomberg. The jobless rate in Nigeria rose to 33.3% in the three months through December, according to a report published by National Bureau of Statistics on its website Monday. That’s up from 27.1% in the second quarter of 2020, the last period for which the agency released labour-force statistics.

“A third of the 69.7 million-strong labour force in Africa’s most-populous nation either did nothing or worked for less than 20 hours a week, making them unemployed, according to the Nigerian definition. Another 15.9 million worked less than 40 hours a week, making them underemployed.”

-5). ‘Naira Equal To Dollar’
At a presidential rally of the APC at Dan Anyima Stadium, Owerri, Imo State a few weeks to the 2015 general elections, Buhari promised that he would ensure that the naira was equal to the dollar in value, if voted into office. “It is sad that the value of the naira has dropped to more than N230 to one dollar; this does not speak well for the nation’s economy,’’ he said.

Now, the nation’s currency has deteriorated in value under his watch. One dollar is exchanged for 411.63 which has wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy.

-6). Ban On Medical Trips Abroad
Buhari frowned on the Jonathan era of seeking medical trips abroad. He promised to place a ban on such medical tourism and also build a world-class health care system when in office. He said the country had been wasteful with such trips, thus vowed to put an end to it. Getting to office, Buhari himself embarked on such trips for long periods. In June 2016, President Buhari flew to London to be treated for an ear infection.

Dr Osahon Enabulele, vice-president of the Commonwealth Medical Association, while condemning the act said it was a “national shame” that Buhari went to the UK for treatment when Nigeria had more than 250 ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists, as well as a National Ear Centre.

5 Reasons Some Wives Cheat On Thier Husbands.

Before, once a young woman is going into marriage, it’s a subconscious believe that her body is strictly for her husband alone, but over the years, the narrative has changed. Most husbands have abused this grace and so many men have pushed Their women to the wall, that today, the consciousness and sanctity of matrimonial bliss is gradually going into extinction.

In as much as I am not supporting cheating in a marriage where the man is good to his wife the following are my opinion

1. Lazy husband
When a woman is married to a lazy man who can’t provide, always giving excuses and manipulative. He keeps pushing her to handle all the responsibilities. She has to pay all the bills all in the name of the man is jobless,
this particular wife will likely cheat on her man, because women generally love to see their men being the head that provides for the family.

2. Se.xaul Need
Some men are so clueless. You don’t care about her feelings, during se.x, once you’re satisfied, that’s all. You don’t even want to know if she is satisfied too.
This particular wife will definitely be longing for a day someone will make her feel it to the fullest. The person might not be you.

3. Companionship
It’s generally proven, once you have someone you can tell everything to without feeling ashamed or scared, the possibility of you comfortably having se.x with him is very high and if that person is not your husband, then you have cheated.

That’s why most people ended up sleeping with their bestie or childhood friends.
When there’s too much empty space in a marriage where the both parties don’t experience that companionship, once she find it in someone else, either at work or anywhere, she will cheat on her husband.

4. Ungrateful human
This particular wife, does not keep record of any good thing her man do to her. She’s an ungrateful human, she’s selfish and a bad person. No matter who you are to her, no matter what you do, she will always focus on herself alone.

5. Revenge
The man is cheating and hurting her. So, to have her sanity back, she cheat back.
Some women cheat on their husbands to feel better from feeling of hurt and bitterness from their husband’s bad behavior. Some will go as far as sleeping with your best friend, house boy, gate men, your Boss at work to make you feel disrespectful.
Evil they said brings evil. Good beings good as well

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